Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Since MaRea refuses to post pictures of Avery's first birthday I will embarrass/annoy her by putting this up.  This is to remind the women out there that your husband/boyfriend could be a lot worse!  Let's give thanks the 80's are over!


Becka and Bennett said...

O my gosh I am laughing so hard right now!

And MaRea put pictures up of Averys birthday!

MaRea Hess said...

Pretty funny Kyle, I think you are just like all those hunks on the dating show;)!


Amy said...

Whoa! Those fellas are some mighty fine catches. Too bad I'm already married and don't live in the 80's. Darn. ;-)

Too funny! Thanks for sharing.

Ashlee said...

wow blast from the past-hilarious!! maRea where the heck are those pictures????

I read Nie