Thursday, April 1, 2010

Skiing The Beav

We took the kids up skiing to Beaver Mountain Saturday. It was the perfect day for skiing, I was in my element of pure joy! It was my favorite memory of our family to date.

Kade just wanted to go down Little Beaver FAST! He had no interest in turning or stopping to take any pictures. That is his angry face, such a cute boy. Avery is not smiling at the moment but she loved it.

This is only his 2nd time going and he LOVED every minute of it. I was a little amazed at how well he did. He is not the most coordinated child so I was worried that we would be staying on the magic carpet all day. The thing I love about Kaden is his attitude about everything. He is so determined to learn and be happy doing so. He had a huge smile on his face all day, I love that little man!

I could not get enough of Avery on skis. It was so cute she would giggle as we would ski down the mountain. She was so happy all day. She went without a single nap and never cried once. I caught her zoning out a few times. The lifties said she was the youngest they had seen on skis.

I took this picture of Kyle and Avery it was worth a thousand words. I knew I would love it. There are some pictures you just take and know they will be great. All my hopes for this picture were shattered. My camera settings got changed on accident resulting in an overexposed picture:(!

It It was The Big Air day at Beaver Mountain. They had ski races and pond skimming. Avery had a good time chilling out with all the ski bums.

I loved watching these two ski together oh, so sweet!

This NEVER happens, Avery has maybe fallen asleep in the car 4 times. It was a sight to see. I think we need to take her up skiing more often!


Anonymous said...

OH my goodness that is so very sweet. That is where a Utah family should live in the winter, in the mountains, skiing. I love it. Great pictures!!!

emily ballard said...

NO way! She is so little! How old is she?? I just decided I am going to veto Steve's "one per year" rule. We are all going next year.

Zachary said...

I am SOOOOOO jealous! I tell zach all the time that I want my kids to grow up skiing! I can't believe Avery can ski already, she's so tiny.

Zachary said...

this is melanie pitcher, sorry, not zach!

Jill said...

This post is priceless. I loved all the amazing pictures it was like I was there. P.S. Missing you like crazy since our trip you are too fun to vacation with.

Lindsey Smith said...

I loved those pics!!! Miss Avery is so SWEET!!

The Mumfords said...

Oh man, that looks so fun! It makes me want to try skiing again.

Ashlee said...

Re these pictures are to DIE for. I wanna eat little Avery up I can't believe she was such a trooper! Cutest fam skiing picture I've seen:)

Jessica Newman said...

OH MAN! How fun! Cole and I really enjoy snowboarding and I always thought my kids were too little to start but this makes me want to take them SO BAD! Its like the perfect family adventure!

Tashina said...

I love that you have Avery skiing already! She is so cute!

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun! And I bet you could fix that pic of Kyle and Avery with the "burn" tool in photoshop...because it's not that overexposed.

And thanks for the workout buddy offer. I really should take you up on that but I would rather be fat than wake up at 5:30.

Melanie said...

ahh look at how cute Avery is on those! She is tiny and so cute. Looks like you had a fun time skiing the beav :)

BTW... I would really love to run a half marathon with you but I really don't think I am that good!

I read Nie