Monday, April 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Kyle

It's Kyle's Birthday today. I have to admit sometimes I have a hard time remembering if his birthday is the 28th or the 30th. Kyle tells me that I should never admit to such a depressing thing. Our wedding anniversary is April 30th, two big dates, someone needs to mix them up once in a while.

Thanks Kyle for all that you do for our family. I feel so honored to call you mine. I hope you have a wonderful birthday even if we have to baby-sit all week.


MnS said...

Happy B-Day Kyle!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Kyle! I know I am a day late, but whatever.

Are you still doing your man blog?

B said...

Please let me know how to contact you?? YOU ARE SO HOT!!
LOVE ME....please

Lindsey Smith said...

who the heck is babs? she left a strange message at our blog too.
anyways, kyle let us know when your bday is cause we suck at stuff like that. Happy birthday

theadventursofsidandlinda said...

Hope you didn't forget that we remembered or MaRea reminded us the day after the birthday and the day before the anniversary. Every year as I go to the temple around April 30 I notice that the Magnolia's and tulips are not yet in full bloom and I am reminded that the year you were married the tulips and magnolias were in profusion. Even nature celebrated your wedding and the good choice you both made.

I read Nie