Tuesday, January 5, 2010

1st piggy tails!

Avery got her first pair of piggy tails today. Oh she is cute, but man she is a little fire cracker!


Ashlee said...

oh my sweetness! she is scrumptious:) love her

Melanie said...

Cute little Avery, I love the piggy tails! I can't believe how long it has been since I have seen her in person... so sad. Did you take this picture? Maybe you could take some of my baby when he gets here? Let me know what you think?

Lindsey Smith said...

Oh my gosh, SO CUTE!!!! I want to kiss and eat those cheeks, if only she would let me;) Great pic! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

She is a stinking cute little monkey! Great pic mommasita!

Jill said...

Love the picture! She is sooo cute I loved seeing her the other day.

Jessica Newman said...

MaRea I love you come see me! I love little Avery's pigtails I need a girl SSOOO BAD but just one because I'm afraid she'll be a firecracker too!

Pitcherpost said...

Pig tails are a big milestone! she looks so cute and put together. I LOVE that little hair clip thing. Great picture!

Tashina said...

Oh my gosh! She looks so cute! I'm still jealous of how much hair she has... :)

hairbynat said...

thanks Girl! your Family Pic's are sooo cute!

TnD said...

That is the cutest pic. I can't wait to see ours!

Anonymous said...

Well I acquiesce in but I about the brief should prepare more info then it has.

JaCee said...

yes, she's gorgeous. Today was a day I could've used a night of marea. I truly thought that @ 4pm today... :)

The Marcons said...

I'm so jealous! I've been wanting to give Payden pigtails for a while but I know the stubborn little fetcher won't hold still long enough.

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